明神利器制作所 明神直人
Myojin Riki Seisakusho
For those who seek particular excellence in the initial sharpening and edge-setting of their knives, Ginka hamono enthusiastically recommends the sharpener, Myojin Naoto.
日本主厨刀 牛刀 直人作 明神直人 COSP粉末钢 24cm
Japanese chef knife gyuto - Naohito Myojin - COSP High-Speed Steel Size: 24cm/ 9.4inch
售罄日本主厨刀 牛刀 直人作 明神直人 COSP粉末钢 24cm
Japanese chef knife gyuto - Naohito Myojin - COSP High-Speed Steel Size: 24cm/ 9.4inch
常规价格 ¥2,263.00 CNY常规价格单价 / 单价售罄
明神利器制作所 明神直人
与多数的刃物制作所不同,明神直人的家族所掌管制作所是以研磨工房为主。因此明神利器制作所的主理人明神直人所继承的技术并非锻冶技术,而是研磨技术。 明神直人作为一位研磨师,因其出众的研磨技术而在业内十分有名。当然,在明神利器制作所的研磨工房隔壁,有一个专属于明神利器制作所的锻冶工房,其中的主理人田村先生也是一位十分出色的匠人,其跟随明神家族负责厨刀的锻造,配合明神直人的研磨,使得厨刀拥有极为优秀的开刃角度和研磨锋利度。 如果您对厨刀的初始研磨以及开刃有一定的追求,银华刃物向您推荐研磨师:明神直人。
Myojin Riki Seisakusho
In the field of blade making, the workshop overseen by the family of Myojin Naoto stands out for its focus on sharpening techniques, rather than traditional forging. As a result, Myojin Naoto, the principal of Myojin Riki Seisakusho, has inherited not the art of smithing, but the skill of expert sharpening. As a distinguished sharpener, Myojin Naoto is renowned in the industry for his exquisite sharpening techniques. Adjacent to the Myojin sharpening workshop, there's a forging workshop exclusive to Myojin Riki Seisakusho, managed by Mr. Tamura, a craftsman of exceptional skill. He is responsible for the forging of knives, which, combined with Myojin Naoto's sharpening, results in knives with exceptional edge angles and sharpness. For those who seek particular excellence in the initial sharpening and edge-setting of their knives, Ginka hamono enthusiastically recommends the sharpener, Myojin Naoto. His craftsmanship not only ensures the superior performance of the knives but also elevates the user experience to an ultimate level.