店铺指引 Directions


店铺地址:〒542-0082 大阪府大阪市中央区島之内2丁目13−10

Store Address: 〒542-0082
Preale Shimano, 2-13-10 Shimanouchi,
Chuo-ku, Osaka, Osaka, Japan
The building name is Plear Shimanouchi.
Our store is located on the first floor facing the street.
You can also find us on Google Maps by searching "ginkahamono"
The YouTube video on this page provides simple graphic guidance. If you want more detailed video directions, you can search on TikTok for the account “ginkahamono” and find the corresponding direction video in the pinned videos.
It includes detailed instructions for walking routes from Nippombashi Station and Nagahoribashi Station after exiting the subway, as well as directions starting from Dotonbori Shopping Street. Thank you for your support.


Directional video


English edition

店铺服务介绍 Store service introduction

  • 1. 线上商城服务。


  • 2. 实际上手体验。


  • 3. 磨刀实际操作体验。


  • 4. 实际试切体验。


  • 5. 返厂修理服务。


  • 6. 刀鞘与刀柄定制服务。


  • 7. 特别指定加工服务。


  • 8. 刀柄更换服务。



  • 1. Online Store Service:

    Our store has an online shop where you can make purchases through our website.

  • 2. Hands-On Experience:

    All products available in our online store can be physically experienced at our offline store. Please note that our offline store may carry a selection of premium products exclusively available for in-store purchases and not available for online purchase.

  • 3. Knife Sharpening Hands-On Experience:

    We have a dedicated sharpening station in-store for customers to experience the complete knife sharpening process. Additionally, the high-quality ceramic sharpening stones used during the experience can be purchased both in-store and online.

  • 4. Real Cutting Trial:

    In our store, we have multiple sets of kitchen knives with various blade types and lengths available for customers to try cutting with. These trial kitchen knives are taken directly from our regular stock, unsealed for customer use, and are not specially produced. This allows customers to experience the most authentic feel of using our knives.

  • 5. Factory Repair Service:

    If your kitchen knife gets damaged during use and requires repair, you can either send it to our store or bring it in person. We offer a service to send the knife back to the original manufacturer for repairs. However, please be aware that this service may take some time to complete.

  • 6. Custom Knife Sheath and Handle Service:

    If you are not satisfied with the knife handle that comes with your knife or with the standard sheath, we offer custom services. Please provide us with your specific requirements, and we can arrange for customization in a dedicated workshop. However, please note that this service may take some time to complete.

  • 7. Specialized Processing Service:

    After purchasing a product, if you wish to have further modifications done to the product, you can pay to have it sent to our store or a third-party processing facility for additional processing, such as mirror polishing or patina finish. Please be aware that this service may take some time to complete.

  • 8. Handle Replacement Service:

    If you are not satisfied with the shape, color, or condition of your knife’s handle after prolonged use, you can choose to pay for our store to arrange a handle replacement. However, please note that this service may take some time to complete.
    Handle replacement services are not limited to our store’s products; you are welcome to bring knives purchased from other stores for handle replacements. However, please be aware that the replacement cost for knives from other stores may be higher than for those purchased in our store.

We can ship the goods to your country. The basic shipping fee is 9000 to 10000 yen. If the number of kitchen knives exceeds three, or if the shipment includes heavier items like sharpening stones, additional shipping fees will apply.