
Terms of Service

会员信息的处理 Handling of member information

  1. 未经会员事先同意,本公司原则上不会向第三方公开会员信息。但是,在下列情况下,公司可能会在未经会员事先同意的情况下公开会员信息和其他客户信息。 ・根据法令规定需要公开时 ・公司认为有必要保护公司的权利、利益、荣誉等时

    As a general rule, our company will not disclose member information to third parties without the member’s prior consent. However, in the following cases, the Company may disclose member information and other customer information without the member’s prior consent. ・When disclosure is required based on laws and regulations ・When the Company determines that it is necessary to protect the rights, interests, honor, etc. of the Company

  2. 会员信息将由本公司根据“个人信息保护方针”进行管理。公司可能会为了向会员提供服务、完善服务内容、推广服务的使用、确保服务健康、顺利运行的目的而使用会员信息。

    Member information will be managed by our company in accordance with our “Personal Information Protection Initiatives.” Our company may use member information for the purpose of providing services to members, improving service content, promoting the use of services, and ensuring the sound and smooth operation of services. Masu.

  3. 公司可以通过电子邮件通讯和其他方式向会员提供信息(包括广告)。如果会员不愿意提供信息,请按照本公司规定的方式通知我们,我们将停止提供信息。但本服务运营所需的信息的提供不能因会员的要求而停止。

    The Company may provide information (including advertisements) to members through e-mail newsletters and other methods. If a member does not wish to provide information, please notify us according to the method prescribed by our company and we will stop providing information. However, the provision of information necessary for the operation of this service cannot be stopped at the member’s request.

成员 Member

  1. “会员”是指按照本公司规定的程序同意本条款后申请成为会员的个人。

    “Member” refers to an individual who applies for membership after agreeing to these Terms in accordance with the procedures established by the Company.

  2. “会员信息”是指会员向公司公开的会员属性信息、会员交易历史等信息。

    “Member information” refers to information such as information regarding the member’s attributes and history regarding the member’s transactions that the member has disclosed to the Company.

  3. 本条款适用于所有会员,是注册期间和注册后必须遵守的条款。

    These terms apply to all members and are the terms that must be observed during and after registration.

登记 Registration

  1. 会员资格

    Membership qualifications
    Customers who agree to these Terms and apply for membership will be eligible to become members after completing the prescribed registration procedures. Membership registration procedures must be completed by the person who becomes the member. Registration by proxy is not permitted at all. Please note that we may decline membership applications from people whose membership has been revoked in the past or who are otherwise deemed unsuitable by our company.

  2. 输入会员信息

    Enter member information
    When registering as a member, please read the input instructions carefully and accurately enter the required information in the designated input form.

  3. 密码管理
    -密码仅供会员本人使用,不得转让或出借给第三方。 ・会员有责任管理自己的密码,定期更改密码,以免泄露给他人。 ・使用密码向公司作出的任何意思表示将被视为会员本人的意思表示,由此产生的所有费用等均由会员承担。

    Password management
    When registering as a member, please read the input instructions carefully and accurately enter the required information in the designated input form.
    -Passwords may only be used by the member themselves and may not be transferred or lent to a third party. ・Members are responsible for managing their passwords by changing them regularly to prevent them from being disclosed to others. ・Any declaration of intention made to the Company using a password will be deemed to be that of the member himself/herself, and all payments, etc. resulting therefrom will be the responsibility of the member.