
Transaction Law

販売業者 Distributor 株式会社TITANA(银华刃物) TITANA Co., Ltd. (Ginka hamono)
運営責任者 Operation manager 陳灝彬 Chen haobin
郵便番号 Post code 542-0082 542-0082
住所 Address 大阪府大阪市中央区島之内2丁目13−10
1F Pleiare Shimanouchi, 2-13-10 Shimanouchi, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
電話番号 Telephone number 06-6786-8282 06-6786-8282
メールアドレス Email address ginkahamono@gmail.com ginkahamono@gmail.com
URL URL ginka-hamono.com ginka-hamono.com
关于商品的退换 About Product Returns and Exchanges 商品的更换及退货如果您发现您所购买的商品有问题,请迅速与本店联系。

在购买后,如出现如下情况: 1、购买后,对货物的款式、形状、颜色、纹路或尺寸等不满意 2、因缺乏实际经验,进行过度想象,后觉得实际跟想象不一样,或是下错单 3、家人不同意购买 4、因冲动消费而后悔 5、突然急需一笔资金 6、已经使用过 7、在您手上产生的污损、伤痕等 8、商品签收超过3天 因以上等原因出现需要退货处理的情况,本店一律无法进行退货退款处理。请于购入商品时及完成订单之前对以上的情况进行慎重考虑。

请参考本店的换货政策内的指引作为标准: 1、退货的商品必须是属于产品本身自带破损或瑕疵缺陷。 2、退货的物品必须是未使用的状态及必须保留原装自带的一切内容物及外包装。 3、有退货需要的订单必须于收到货后七日内寄回。 4、若退货过程中有任何争议,银华刃物将保留一切最终决定的权利及解释权。 5、本店所使用的照片全部都是由本店店内事务所所设有的摄影棚或合作机构的摄影棚进行拍摄,所有的照片都在店长的监督下进行拍摄及后期处理,尽力还原肉眼所见的真实纹路与色彩。但由于由于每个人所使用的设备的屏幕颜色都有一定的差别,本店无法保证您于您所持有的设备上所看到的颜色是一定准确的。
Products returns and exchanges
If you discover any issues with the products you have purchased, please contact our store promptly.

If the following situations occur after purchase: 1. Dissatisfaction with the style, shape, color, pattern, or size of the goods after purchase. 2. Overactive imagination leading to a perception that the actual product differs from what was imagined. Or in case of placing the wrong order. 3. Disagreement with family members regarding the purchase. 4. Regret due to impulsive buying. 5. Suddenly needing funds. 6. Already used. 7. Damages such as stains or scratches that occurred while in your possession. 8. Product received more than 3 days ago. For any of the above reasons or similar circumstances that require a return, our store strictly does not process returns or refunds.
We strongly advise you to carefully consider these factors before making a purchase or completing an order.

If you have any questions about a product you are considering purchasing or have already purchased, please feel free to contact our store through email, phone, Instagram direct messages, WeChat, or other means. We are happy to provide advice and clarification.
If the product is delivered by mail, please ensure to record a video during the entire unboxing process to confirm that any defects, faults, or damage were present from the moment you received the product. If you find unacceptable damage or abnormal defects in the product, follow the return instructions below and contact our store promptly. Please make your return request and state the reason within three days of receiving the product.

After three days of receiving the product, our store will not provide any form of returns or refunds.

Return and Exchange Conditions:
Please refer to our store’s exchange policy for guidelines: 1. Returned products must have inherent damage or defects. 2. Returned items must be in unused condition and must include all original content and packaging. 3. Orders requiring a return must be sent back within seven days of receipt. 4. In case of any disputes during the return process, Hua Yin Ren Wu reserves the right to make all final decisions and interpretations. 5. All photos used by our store are taken in our in-house studio or in collaboration with partner studios. The photos are taken and post-processed under the supervision of our store manager to best replicate the true patterns and colors as seen by the naked eye. However, due to variations in screen colors on different devices, we cannot guarantee that the colors you see on your device are entirely accurate.
Note: If a situation allows for a return or exchange, customers are responsible for all transportation costs. Our store strongly recommends using traceable mail services for returns.

Refund Conditions:
Our store does not offer refunds for any products.
Regarding Order Cancellation:
Once an order is processed and confirmed, we do not offer cancellations, exchanges, or refunds.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Ginka Knives