Privacy Policy
Ginkahamono will not disclose your personal information to third parties for reasons other than its original purpose without obtaining your prior consent. Furthermore, we will not provide your personal information to other businesses or similar entities without prior notice.
1. 个人信息的定义 Definition of personal information
个人信息是关于个人的信息,是指能够识别特定个人身份的信息,例如姓名、出生日期、性别、电话号码、电子邮件地址、职业、工作地点等。 Personal information is information about an individual, and refers to information that can identify a specific individual, such as name, date of birth, gender, telephone number, e-mail address, occupation, place of work, etc.
2. 个人信息的收集和使用 Collection and use of personal information
本公司仅在以下目的范围内收集和使用个人信息。本公司对个人信息的收集和使用是建立在客户自愿提供个人信息的基础上的,如果客户提供了个人信息,则客户已许可本公司按照本政策使用该个人信息。我认为是这样。 ・交付本公司订购的产品所需的工作 ・提供新产品信息等对顾客有用且必要的信息 ・业务执行所需的向本公司的询问、确认,以及收集改善服务的意见。 ・应对各种咨询 Our company collects and uses personal information only within the scope of the following purposes. The collection and use of personal information by our company is based on the voluntary provision of personal information by the customer, and if the customer provides personal information, the customer has given permission for the company to use the personal information in accordance with this policy. I assume that.
・Work necessary to deliver the ordered products of our company ・Providing information deemed useful and necessary to customers, such as information on new products ・Inquiries and confirmations from our company necessary for business execution, and gathering opinions to improve services. ・Respond to various inquiries -
3. 对分包商的监督 Supervision of subcontractors
我们公司可能会向外部承包商提供一些个人信息,以便开展业务运营,例如向客户提供产品和服务。在这种情况下,我们将对外包公司进行管理,以确保其适当处理个人信息。 Our company may provide some personal information to external contractors in order to carry out business operations such as providing products and services to customers. In that case, we will manage the outsourcing company to ensure that it handles personal information appropriately.
4. 个人信息管理 Management of personal information
我们将按照经济产业省制定的个人信息方针,对我们处理的个人信息实施必要的全部或部分组织、人力、物理和技术安全控制措施。 ,我们将防止个人信息的未经授权的访问、丢失、毁坏、篡改和泄露,同时,万一发生事故,我们将建立可以保存证据并追查原因的系统我们将尽一切努力做出适当的反应。 In accordance with the personal information guidelines established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, we will implement all or part of the organizational, human, physical, and technical security control measures as necessary for the personal information we handle. At the same time, we will prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information, and at the same time, in the unlikely event that an accident occurs, we will establish a system to preserve evidence and trace the cause of the accident. We will make every effort to respond appropriately.
5. 信息内容的查询、修改或删除 Inquiry, modification or deletion of information content
如果客户希望查询、更正或删除提供给本公司的个人信息,本公司将在确认客户身份后,在合理的范围内迅速做出答复。我会很高兴这样做。 If a customer wishes to inquire, correct, or delete personal information provided to the Company, the Company will respond promptly within a reasonable range after confirming the customer’s identity. I’ll enjoy having this.
6. 各种查询 Various inquiries
大阪府大阪市中央区岛内2-13-10 Pleiare岛之内1楼
电话/传真:06-6786-8282 If you have any complaints about our company, any questions regarding various procedures such as requests for disclosure of personal data held by our company and their fees, or questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact the contact information specified below, including the name, address, and reply information of the person making the inquiry. Please send us an email containing your email address and the details of your inquiry. We will use the personal information of those who make inquiries only for the purpose of identifying the person making the inquiry and allowing us to respond to them. Please note that depending on the content of your question, we may ask you certain questions before responding to you in order to confirm that the person making the inquiry is the person whose personal information we hold. You may.
<Contact information>
TITANA Co., Ltd.
1F Pleiare Shimanouchi, 2-13-10 Shimanouchi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture
TEL/FAX: 06-6786-8282 -
7. 关于安全 About security
本网站在您发送个人信息的页面上使用称为 SSL(安全套接字层)的“数据加密通信”。您输入的信息将被安全发送。 This website uses “data encrypted communication” called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on the pages where you send your personal information. The information you enter will be sent securely.
8. Cookie:关于 Cookie Cookie: About cookies
请联系各个软件制造商以获取有关如何配置浏览器的信息。 Cookies are used to make browsing our site more convenient when you visit our site again, and they do not infringe on your privacy and do not have any negative impact on your computer. It will not affect you.
You can also refuse to receive cookies by setting your website viewing tool (browser). However, in order to use some of the functions, you must be set to accept cookies. In order to take full advantage of the functionality of this site, we recommend that you set it to accept cookies.
Please contact each software manufacturer for information on how to configure your browser. -
9. 关于隐私政策的变更 Regarding changes to the privacy policy
本网站上发布的隐私政策可能会根据服务内容的变更而更改,恕不另行通知。在这种情况下,我们将始终在本网站上发布最新的隐私政策,因此请在使用本网站时参考本页面上的最新内容。 The privacy policy posted on this site is subject to change without prior notice based on changes in the content of the service. In that case, we will always post the latest privacy policy on this site, so please refer to the latest content on this page when using the site.